This is a demo store. No orders will be fulfilled.

Our current General Terms are applicable for all orders placed on the website


TAWFEER.NL is a website of Tawfeer v.o.f and belongs to ALASEEL v.o.f, residing in Almere, registered in the Commercial Register of the Kamer van Koophandel in Almere under the number: 71290834 and BTW NR: 858654167B01


  • The current General Terms apply to any offer, order, or agreement between Tawreer and the customer. By concluding a contract between the customer and Tawfeer, the customer accepts these terms without any reservations.
  • These conditions are accessible to everyone on the website In addition, a written copy of these conditions is made available upon request.
  • Only after written approval by Tawfeer, the customer may partly deviate from the General Terms.
  • Tawfeer has the right to change these conditions and the website's contents at all times, and the customer will be notified by e-mail.

Offers and confirmation

  • All offers shall be free of obligation; All offers are subject to change. When a product is not available, Tawfeer has the right to cancel the product, and the customer will be notified by e-mail.
  • It shall not be possible to bind Tawfeer to her offers if the customer should have understood following the requirements of reasonableness and fairness. According to the usual social and economic life criteria, the offer, or part thereof, obviously contains a mistake or an error in writing.
  • Offers shall only bind Tawfeer if the customer accepts such, preferably in writing, within thirty (30) days.
  • If the acceptance deviates (on secondary items) from the offer given, TAWFEER not be bound by it. The agreement shall, in such event, not be concluded by said deviating acceptance unless TAWFEER indicates otherwise.
  • Special offers or quotations do not automatically apply to reorders.
  • A compound quotation does not require Tawfeer to deliver part of the goods included in the offer or deliver against a corresponding part of the quoted price.

Order confirmation and agreements

  • After TAWFEER has received the order, we will confirm the order within one day, unless TAWFEER cannot reasonably be demanded to comply with the agreement.
  • As soon as TAWFEER has received the order and payment has been confirmed, the order will be accepted and executed by TAWFEER within 2-4 working days for all orders shipped via international shipping via DHL. If a product is (temporarily) out of stock, TAWFEER has the right to cancel a product or order. TAWFEER reserves the right not to accept payment, and therefore not to confirm, for whatever reason, any order, including but not limited to reasons resulting from product supply, a problem with the order received, or a problem completing the delivery. However, other problems can also be a reason to cancel the order.
  • The contract contains each agreement between the customer and TAWFEER and substitutes any former agreement.
  • TAWFEER recognizes that electronic communication may be used to prove the agreement. By accepting these terms, the customer confirms this also.


  • The total price shown on order is definitive and includes prices of the products, handling costs, packaging, and transport.
  • International shipping via DHL:
    No customs duties or value-added taxes shall be due for deliveries in the European Union.
  • Only at the customer's special request, TAWFEER will send a separate invoice to an email address specified by the customer.
  • TAWFEER has the right to change prices and correct errors. In case the customer incurs any harm. As a result, the customer will be informed of this fact by e-mail and has the right to cancel the order within the next two days. However, TAWFEER cannot be held liable for potential (typographical) errors in its prices or conditions.


  • Shipments by DHL or DPD
  • Once the order has been accepted, the shipment will be hand over the parcel to the postal organization DHL or DPD the same day, who will deliver the parcel to the address indicated by the customer within 1-3 working days Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays should be added to delivery time.
  • The shipment time as described in the order confirmation is an indication, no guarantee. Parcels may be subject to unforeseen delays at the delivery company. TAWFEER has no control over this and cannot be held liable for that.
    As described in the order confirmation, the shipment time starts when the parcel is handed over to DHL OR DPD.
  • The customer should sign the receipt once received the order.
  • Any postage fines will only be reimbursed if the customer can provide official evidence.
  • If the damage has occurred during shipment to a product's packaging, which could result in spoilage, the customer needs to report this to TAWFEER within 24 hours. The customer should not consume the contents of a visibly damaged product. TAWFEER will not be held liable for the consequences if the above advice is ignored.
  • If the customer refuses to deliver the purchased goods or fails to give the information or correct address necessary to their delivery, additional costs for extra delivery or storage area at the customer’s expense.
  • TAWFEER cannot and will not for any reason be held liable for any deterioration in the products due to the customer’s failure to receive or collect the parcel in a timely matter.
  • All parcels are insured. If a parcel is lost, TAFFEER will ask DHL or DPD to start an inquiry. If the parcel is declared to be lost, the customer is entitled to a refund.
  • For unforeseen delays at the Post, the customer is not entitled to a refund unless it's more than 30 days, then the customer will receive a full refund.
  • If TAWFEER needs further information from the customer to execute the order, the delivery time will start after providing the required information.
  • Customer protection: the final delivery time is 30 days starting once the order has been accepted.


  • TAWFEER guarantees that the products to be delivered shall meet the usual requirements and shall not have an expiration date of at least 4 weeks unless explicitly mentioned otherwise. In addition, TAWFEER shall take all the necessary care and attention to assure that the products correspond to the description given on the website on the date the order was processed.
  • The guarantee mentioned above shall be valid until the best-before-date of the products, but only if applicable.
  • No guarantee is given at defective products when this results from injudicious or improper use or when the customer has introduced changes or tried to introduce changes to the products without TAWFEER’s knowledge
    or consent in writing. This is also applicable if the customer has used the product for purposes for which it was not intended.


  • Upon receipt, the customer must inspect the delivered goods at the moment of delivery, but in any case, in as short a period of time as possible. He/she must examine whether the quality and the quantity of the delivered goods comply with what was agreed upon.
  • Possible visible shortcomings must be reported (description is given) via e-mail to [email protected]
  • within 48 hours following receiving, together with the submission of the note of purchase and the defective goods.
  • A not visible defect should be reported to TAWFEER within 5 days after discovery (within the usual shelf life period) respecting the previous paragraph of this article. After the warranty period, TAWFEER is entitled to charge all costs for replacement, including administration and shipping costs.
  • If the customer wishes to return defective goods, he/she shall only do so following prior consent in writing via e-mail with [email protected].

Transfer of risk

  • The risk of loss of, or damage to the products being the subject of the agreement, shall be transferred to the customer the moment the said products are judicially and/or actually delivered to the consumer and therefore fall into the power of the consumer or of third parties to be appointed by the consumer.


  • Payments are accepted via PayPal, ideal or credit card. The products will be shipped after the payment has been made.
  • According to the Person Registration Law, Netherlands, your information will not be passed on to third parties (according to the Person Registration Law, Netherlands).

Cancellations & Returns

For more details concerning cancellations and returns, please visit the followung link below:

  • The customer has the right for a period of 14 days to end the agreement and return the order without stating any reason (buyer should pay the shipping cost for the returned goods).
  • He/she should inform TAWFEER by email via [email protected]
  • The above-mentioned right does not apply to magazines and perishable goods.
  • The customer can only end the agreement and return the order without stating any reason if the products are complete, undamaged, unused, and are returned in the original package.


  • If the ordered products do not answer expectations because of breakage, damage, or incorrect delivery, the customer needs to inform TAWFEER within 2 working days after receiving the products. If TAWFEER does not receive a complaint from the customer within the term mentioned above, it is assumed that the order was filled.


  • TAWFEER shall reserve the rights and authorities to which she is entitled under Copyright Act.
  • TAWFEER is the owner and license holder of all copyrights, databases, applications, trademarks, and other intellectual rights that are part of this website. In addition, concept, structure, layout, and design are the exclusive property of TAWFEER.
  • If used by the customer, this can only be done exclusively and must not be reproduced, made public, or brought to the notice of third parties.
  • Tawfeer and توفير is a trademark registered in the united European union under the number 018041466. 


  • The customer shall safeguard TAWFEER against claims filed by third parties concerning intellectual property rights on material or data provided by the customer.
  • The customer shall guarantee that he/she provides TAWFEER with any information carrier, electronic files or software.


  • If the goods that TAWFEER delivers are not in the correct state, the liability of TAWFEER towards the customer is limited to the terms and conditions mentioned in the article “guarantees”.
  • When the producer of a defective good is liable for consequential damage, TAWFEER’S liability shall be limited to replacing the defective or returning the purchase price.
  • The customer is personally liable for its choice of products and, after delivery, is entirely responsible for the conservation and consumption of the goods.

Force majeure

  • Nor TAWFEER nor the customer shall be held to fulfil any of their obligations if they are hindered from doing so due to a circumstance through no fault of their own and which cannot be attributed to them under law, legal action or generally accepted practice.
  • In addition to the provisions of the law and the judge-made law in this respect, force majeure in the present general terms and conditions shall furthermore be understood to be any external circumstance, be it envisaged or not, on which TAWFEER cannot have any influence but which prevents TAWFEER from fulfilling the obligations.
  • TAWFEER is also entitled to appeal force majeure if the circumstances described above occur after TAWFEER has fulfilled its obligation.


  • The court in TAWFEER’S residence shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear actions unless the District Court is the competent Court. TAWFEER shall nevertheless be entitled to submit the dispute to the Court deemed competent by the law.

Applicable Law

  • Dutch law shall apply to every agreement between TAWFEER and the customer.
  • The Dutch text of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail over any translation thereof.


  • The official language of contracts and all transactions on the site are Dutch or English. However, any other languages on the site are for ease of use for speakers in other languages.





تمت ترجمة النص السبق من خلال غوغل قد تضمن بعض الاخطاء وقد ينحرف المعنى المقصود في النص الاصلي يرجى قراءة النص الاصلي بالانكليزية حيث انه هو المعتمد

تنطبق شروطنا العامة الحالية على جميع الطلبات الموضوعة على موقع

تعريفات هو موقع ويب من Tawfeer V.O.F وانتمكن إلى Alaseel V.O.F، المقيمين في Amere، مسجل في السجل التجاري في Kamer Van Koophandel في رقم Almere Number: 71290834 و BTW NR: 858654167B1

تنطبق المصطلحات العامة الحالية على أي عرض وترتيب واتفاق بين التوائم والعميل. من خلال اختتام عقد بين العميل وتوفير، يقبل العميل هذه الشروط دون أي تحفظات.
هذه الشروط متاحة للجميع على الموقع بالإضافة إلى ذلك، أصبحت نسخة مكتوبة من هذه الشروط متاحة عند الطلب.
فقط بعد موافقة كتابية من قبل Tawfeer، قد ينحرف العميل جزئيا عن المصطلحات العامة.
له الحق في تغيير هذه الظروف ومحتويات الموقع في جميع الأوقات، وسيتم إخطار العميل بالبريد الإلكتروني.
العروض والتأكيد
جميع العروض تكون خالية من الالتزام؛ جميع العروض قابلة للتغيير. عندما يكون المنتج غير متوفر، فإن Tawfeer لديه الحق في إلغاء المنتج، وسيتم إخطار العميل بالبريد الإلكتروني.
لا يمكن أن يكون من الممكن ربط Tawfeer بمفرده إذا كان ينبغي للعميل فهمه بعد متطلبات المعقولية والإنصاف. وفقا لمعايير الحياة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية المعتادة، من الواضح أن العرض، أو جزء منه، يحتوي على خطأ أو خطأ في الكتابة.
يجب على العروض فقط ربط Tawfeer إذا قبل العملاء، ويفضل كتابة ذلك، في غضون ثلاثين (30) يوما.
إذا كان القبول ينحرف (عند البنود الثانوية) من العرض المعطى، لا يلزمه تافير بذلك. يجب أن لا يختتم الاتفاقية، في مثل هذا الحدث، عن قبول الانحراف ما لم يشير تافير إلى خلاف ذلك.
العروض الخاصة أو الاقتباسات لا تنطبق تلقائيا على العائدات.
لا يتطلب الاقتباس المركب Tawfeer تقديم جزء من البضائع المضمنة في العرض أو التسليم مقابل جزء مقدم من السعر المقتبس.
تأكيد الطلب والاتفاقيات
بعد استلام Tawaer النظام، سنؤكد النظام في يوم من الأيام، ما لم يكن لا يستطيع تافير أن يتوافق مع الاتفاقية.
بمجرد استلام Tawfer النظام وسيتم تأكيد الدفع، سيتم قبول الطلب وتنفيذه بواسطة Tawfeer خلال 2-4 أيام عمل لجميع الطلبات التي يتم شحنها جميع الطلبات عبر الشحن الدولي عبر DHL. إذا كان المنتج (مؤقتا) من المخزون، فإن Tawfeer لديه الحق في إلغاء المنتج أو النظام. تحتفظ Tawaer بالحق في عدم قبول الدفع، وبالتالي لا تؤكد، لأي سبب من الأسباب، أي طلب، بما في ذلك، لا يقتصر على الأسباب الناتجة عن إمدادات المنتجات، مشكلة في الطلب المستلم، أو مشكلة إكمال التسليم. ومع ذلك، يمكن أن تكون مشاكل أخرى أيضا سبب لإلغاء الطلب.
يحتوي العقد على كل اتفاق بين العميل وتوفير ويدعي أي اتفاق سابق.
يتعرف Tawaer على أنه قد يتم استخدام الاتصال الإلكتروني لإثبات الاتفاقية. من خلال قبول هذه الشروط، يؤكد العميل أيضا.
السعر الإجمالي الموضح بالترتيب هو نهائي ويشمل أسعار المنتجات والتعامل مع التكاليف والتعبئة والتغليف والنقل.
الشحن الدولي عبر DHL:
لا توجد رسوم جمركية أو ضرائب ذات قيمة مضيئة بسبب عمليات التسليم في الاتحاد الأوروبي.
فقط في طلب العميل الخاص، سيقوم Tawfeer بإرسال فاتورة منفصلة إلى عنوان بريد إلكتروني محدد من قبل العميل.
يمتلك Tawfer الحق في تغيير الأسعار والأخطاء الصحيحة. في حالة تكبد العميل أي ضرر. نتيجة لذلك، سيتم إبلاغ العميل بهذه الحقيقة عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني وله الحق في إلغاء الطلب خلال اليومين المقبلين. ومع ذلك، لا يمكن إجراء Tawfer مسؤولا عن الأخطاء المحتملة (المطبعية) في أسعارها أو شروطها.
شحنة عبر DHL أو DPD
بمجرد قبول الطلب، تسليم الطرد على المنظمة البريدية DHL أو DPD في نفس اليوم، الذي سيقدم الطرد إلى العنوان الذي يشير إليه العميل في غضون 1-3 أيام عمل أيام السبت والأحد والأعياد العطل الرسمية يجب أن تضاف إلى موعد التسليم.
وقت الشحن كما هو موضح في تأكيد الطلب هو إشارة، لا ضمان. قد تخضع الطرود للتأخير غير المتوقع في شركة التسليم. لا يوجد لديه سيطرة على هذا ولا يمكن أن تكون مسؤولة عن ذلك.
كما هو موضح في تأكيد الطلب، يبدأ وقت الشحن عندما يتم تسليم الطرود إلى DHL أو DPD.
يجب على العميل توقيع الإيصال بمجرد استلام الطلب.
سيتم سداد أي غرامات البريد إلا إذا كان يمكن للعميل تقديم أدلة رسمية.
إذا حدث الضرر أثناء الشحن إلى عبوة المنتج، مما قد يؤدي إلى تلف، يحتاج العميل إلى الإبلاغ عن هذا إلى Tawfeer خلال 24 ساعة. يجب ألا يستهلك العميل محتويات منتج تالف بوضوح. لن يتحمل Tawer مسؤولا عن العواقب إذا تم تجاهل النصيحة المذكورة أعلاه.
إذا رفض العميل تقديم السلع المشتراة أو فشل في إعطاء المعلومات أو العنوان الصحيح